• Lifestyle

    Give Back This Holiday Season

    Everyone is posting gift guides for this holiday season (myself included, so no shade!), but we can’t forget that there are many families that are struggling now more than ever. This pandemic has cost families their jobs, homes, and even worse, their loved ones. So in the true spirit of Christmas and giving back, I want to highlight a few…

  • Lifestyle

    2020 New Year’s Resolutions

    Grandiose New Year’s Resolutions never seem to work. Trying to completely change your lifestyle essentially sets you up for disappointment in yourself and ultimately, failure. We tend to be so hard on ourselves for not following through with our resolutions, but we don’t stop to think that the resolutions were unrealistic from the start. Making small changes or steps forward…

  • Fashion

    Cozy Holiday Pajamas

    One of my favorite holiday traditions is getting a new pair of pajamas to wear to bed on Christmas Eve. And this year I have noticed even more cute pajama sets that have come out. Below I put together a list of some of my favorite ones that you can still run out and snag before Christmas next week! The…